Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per fec`lion. delay but with regret, and reluaancy. But how remifs and cold are their de- fires for fpiritual and eternal Bleffìngs , they invite a denial. Their Prayers are defeaive in the Principle, they donot unm derffand the value, and their want of them. Divine Grace, the gift of God's faving Mercy, the dear purchafe of the Sufferings of Chriff, the precious fruit of his Holy Spirit, are of little price in their of eerri. Our Saviour tells the Sa- maritan Woman, If thou knewefl thegift of God, and who it is that asks thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldfl have iked of him, and he would have given thee living water. We are encouraged to be earneft and refolved Suppliants for the Graces of God's Spirit, becaufe we are affur'd he is moll willing to beffovv them. Our Sa- viour fometimes encourages us frót% the refemblance of a Father, who cannôt fo unnaturalize hirnfelf, and devef$ his ten- der AffeEions, as to renounce his own of£fpring , tó deny a Child neceffaty Food for his fubfiftence Will ,e give him a (lone for bread, or a ferper`t for a fifb ? Ifye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts toyour children, how much more (hall your heavenly Father give the holi spirit to them that ask it ? Some times he excites us to pray, and not to C e faint; 3