Bates - BT766 B3 1699

388 Spiritual Perfe41ion, faint, from the Parable of an incompaf- ffonate Stranger, a Judge that was o. vercome by importunity to afford relief to one in diftrefs. God delights to hear and anfwer thofe Prayers that are for his belt Bleffings. When Solomon prayed for Wifdom to Rule his People , God was fo pleas'd, that he gave him Wif- dom in an Eminent Degree, and as an acceffion, Riches and Honour. If we imitate Solomon in his Prayer, we (hall have his Acceptance. St. games direas us, If any man wants wifdom, let him ask it of God, who gives liberally andupbraids no man : the Wifdom to manage Aflii- ±ions, that may be for his Glory andour Spiritual Advantage. He gives Liberal- ly, which either refpeas the Affeaion of the Giver, or the Meafure of the Gift, or the repeated Aas of Giving : and upbraids not, neither with their un- worthinefs, nor the frequency of their Addreffes. Liberality among men is a coftly Vertue, and but few have a Na- tural Generofity, or Chriftian Mercy and Means to exprefs and exercife it. The Neceffities of others do not affea Men with foquick a fenfe, as the parting with their Money to relieve them. As the BalfamTree does not drop its healing Liquor, till the Bark is Cut. Some- times the great number of Suiters is a pre-