Spiritual PerfeHion. pretence to excufe from the exercife of Bounty. None of there can be Concei- ved of God. There is nothing more Divine in the Deity, and becoming his Nature, than his Inclination to do good. As the Mother with equal Pleafure nou- rifhes the Child with her Milk, as the Child draws it. For the breaf'r is un- eafie till emptied. God much more re- joices in doing Good, than we in recei- ving it. We are alto affur'd of obtaining Spi- ritual Blefíìngsby the Intercefflon of the Mediator. The dignity of his Perron , who is higher than the Heavens, the Son of his Love, the Merits of his Obedi- ence and Sufferings allure us of his Po- wer with God. He takes us by the hand, and brings as to the Father, perfumes and prefents our Requefts to obtain a favourable Reception. When we are under impreffions of Fear, that God will deny our Prayers for Spiritual Bleffings, 'tis as if there were no Love in the Me- diator, nor prevalency in his Media- tion. Betides, the Spirit of Hanes is plen- teoufly Conveyed under the Difpenfa- tiònof theGofpel. The gift of the Spi- rit, in the richeft degrees, was referved as an Honour to Chrift in his Afcei- faQn4 C c 3 389