3 P Spirit-4d Perfeel on, 9Tis faid, The Holy Ghoft was not yet given, becaufe fefics iras not yet glorified. The Blood of 'Chrift was liberally íhed, that the Spirit might be liberally poured forth. But the bellowing of the Spirit, Kvas at the Triumphant Afcenl'ïon of Chriff. Thou haft *ended on high, thou haft ledcaptivity captive, and receivedgifts for men : that is; from the Father, s thé Reward of his ViEtory, alai. he might difpenfe them to Men. The Principal Gift is the Holy Ghoft, comprehenfive of all good things. The Promife is per form'd under the Gofpel, I will pourforth of my Spirit, the Spirit of grace and fup- plication, upon allflefb. There were force Sprinklings of it under the Law, and confin'd to a feparate Nation, but now Mowers are poured down upon all Na- tions, to purifie them, and make them fruitful in Good Works. The Apoll:le declares the admirable Efficacy of the Gofpel, The Law of the Spirit of Life Fc;n $. has feed n?e from the Law of Sin and Death. The Spirit of the Fiery Law , call'd with refpe& to its Original and Operations, convinc'd of Sin, and con- f{rain'd Confcience to inflia tormenting imprefons'on the Soul the Prefages of Future Judgment : but afforded no Spi- ritual Grace to obey it. Therefore 'tis Reb. 7.. i8, z9. faid to be ryeak and ssnprofztable, But the Gofpel