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Spiritual PerfeHiort. 9 Gofpel conveys Supernatural Strength, to obtain Supernatural Happinefs. 'Tis foretold concerning the Rate cf the Church in the timesof the Gofpel, He that Zech, I2. isfeeble among them 'hall be as David, and the houfi of David, _Pall be as God, as the Angel of the Lord before them. Add far- ther the Holy Spirit direas our defires, and God knows the mindof the Spirit, who makes intercefon for us according to the will of God. Chrift is our Advocate in Heaven, and the Spirit in our Hearts, by inflaming our Añëaions, and exciting in us filial Trutt in the Divine Mercy. They that wait on the Lord, 'hall renew their ftrength. if we are impotent in refilling Temptations, and in doing the Will of God, when Divine Af iftance is ready upon our defires to confirm us , our Impotence is vol-untary and does not excufe us from Confequent Siu, but is an antecedent Sin. The fharpefít Re- proof we read from our Saviour to his Difciples was for their guilty Impotence 7efirs anfwer'd and faid, O faithlef! and perverfe generation , How long ,ball I be with you ? How long Jhall 1filleryou ? He had given them Power to heal Difeafes, and expel Evil Spirits, but they had not ufed the means of Prayer and Falling, that was requite for the exercise ofr that Power. )-Iow juffly do we deferve C c than