Spiritual Perfeccfion. that flinging Reproach, who, notwith. itanding the Gofpel is the tniniftration of the Spirit, do not by continual fervent Prayer apply our (elves to God, to par- take of a rich abundance of Grace from the Holy Spirit ? I shall only add, that as Prayer is a means to obtain more Grace by impa- tration, fo by 'the exercife of Grace in Prayer 'tis increas'd. Frequent Prayer has a cleanfing Vertue, in that as thofe who often come into the King's Prefence to fpeak to him, are careful to be in de- cent Habits, that they may not 'be dif parag'd in his fight ; lò thofe who draw near to God , will cleanfe themfelves from Sin, that they may be prepar'd to appear before his Holy Majefty. Hu- mility, Faith, Reverence, Love, Zeal, Refignation to the Divine Will, Cotn- paff on to the Affliaed, and other excel- lent Graces, are exercifed in Prayer, as the fphere of their aaiv ty ; and as ac- quir'd Habits fo infufed, are improved by exercife. Frequent (hooting not only makes perfons more skilful in direaing the Arrow to the Mark, but more able to draw a ¡stronger Bow. None are More holy in Converfation, than thofe that give themfelves to Prayer. Our Saviour prayed himfelf into Heaven, and a Divine Lufere appear'd in his Counte- nance.