Spiritual Perfection. fiance. By our drawing near to God, the beauty of Holinefs will be imprefs'd upon us, and brighten oúr Converfations. Briefly, according to the railed operati- ons of Grace in Prayer, we {hall obtain more excellent degrees of it from Hea- ven ; for in beftowing the firif Grace, God is a pure Giver, but in difpenfng newdegrees of Grace, he is a Rewarder, according to the Promife, To him that bath 'bail be given. 3. Frequent and attentive Hearing and Reading the Word, and ferions Me- ditation of it, is a means appointed by the Divine Wifdom and Goodnefs for our growth in Grace. The conception and propagation, the fuftaining and in- creafing the Spiritual Life., is by the Word of Truth : 'Tis therefore corn- par'd ro thofe things that are the produ- ¿ive and preferving Caufes of the Na- tural Life : 'Tis the incorruptible Seed and Food, to beget and nourifh the Spi- ritual Life : 'Tis Milk for Babes, Wine for the faint, and ftrong Meat to con- firm thofe of maturer Age. There is an objeaive Vertue in it, whereby 'fis apt and furncient to regenerate us, and to increafe the vigour and a&ivity of the new Life. The Avoftle calls it, The Power of God to our Salvation. The word f Grace is able to build ua up to an inhe- ritance 393