Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfection. fiance. By our drawing near to God, the beauty of Holinefs will be imprefs'd upon us, and brighten oúr Converfations. Briefly, according to the railed operati- ons of Grace in Prayer, we {hall obtain more excellent degrees of it from Hea- ven ; for in beftowing the firif Grace, God is a pure Giver, but in difpenfng newdegrees of Grace, he is a Rewarder, according to the Promife, To him that bath 'bail be given. 3. Frequent and attentive Hearing and Reading the Word, and ferions Me- ditation of it, is a means appointed by the Divine Wifdom and Goodnefs for our growth in Grace. The conception and propagation, the fuftaining and in- creafing the Spiritual Life., is by the Word of Truth : 'Tis therefore corn- par'd ro thofe things that are the produ- ¿ive and preferving Caufes of the Na- tural Life : 'Tis the incorruptible Seed and Food, to beget and nourifh the Spi- ritual Life : 'Tis Milk for Babes, Wine for the faint, and ftrong Meat to con- firm thofe of maturer Age. There is an objeaive Vertue in it, whereby 'fis apt and furncient to regenerate us, and to increafe the vigour and a&ivity of the new Life. The Avoftle calls it, The Power of God to our Salvation. The word f Grace is able to build ua up to an inhe- ritance 393