394 Ads 20. 30. Miraturq; no- vasfrondes, & nonfua poma. Spiritual Perferl on. ritanee among them that are fanc`tfed. 'Tis a kind of Miracle in Nature , that a Sience of a good Tree grafted into-a fowre Stock, draws the vital Moif}ure from the Root, and converts it for the producing generous and pleafant Fruit : The ingrafted Word being a Divine Do- arine , over-rules the Carnal Nature, and makes the Mind, Will, Affeaions and A±ions, holy and heavenly, anfwer- able to its quality. The Commands of it are clear and pure, direaing us in our univerfal Duty ; the Promifes are pre- cious, encouraging us by the profpea of the Reward ; the Threatenings terrible, to preferve us fromSin. There is an in- ftrumental fitnefs in the Word preached to perfea the Image of God in us for the manner of conveying the Revelation to us, has a congruity to work upon the fubjea to whom 'tis revealed. The firft infinuationof Sin was by the Ear ; the firft infpiration of Grace is by it : Through the Ear was the entrance of Death ; 'tis now the gate of Life. In Heaven we ,íh411 know God by fight, no . by hearing. When a Minifter of the Gofpel is ínlightened from Heaven, and zealous for the Salvation of Souls, he is fitter for this Work, than if an Angel were a miniftrinSpirit in this fenfe, and imployed in this holy Office : For be