Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfect1ion, he that Preaches has the fame intereft in theDoariiie declar'd by him ; his ever- lafting Happinefs is nearlyconcern'd ; and therefore is moll likely to affeE others. When aholy fire is kindled in the Breaff, it will inflame the Lips ; the Mind con- vinces the Mind , and the Heart per - fwades the Heart. But we muff confi- der, that as the Inftrument cannot effeE that for which 'tis made, without 'tis direEed and applyed for that end ; fo without a fuperiour influence of the Holy Spirit , that gives vital Power to the preaching of the. Word, 'tis without effi- cacy. What our Saviour (peaks of the Natural Life, is applicable to the Spiri- tual, Man lives not by Bread alone, but by every Word thatproceeds fromGod's mouth. A Minifter, with all his Reafon and Rhe- torick, cannot turn a Soul from Sin to Holinefs, without the Omnipotent Ope, ration of the Spirit. The Apoflle,.tells the Theffalonians, that the Go/jel came not to them in Word only, but al/o in Power, 4nd in the Hoy Ghofl TheGofpel then comes only in Word , when it pierces no further than the Ear, that is the fènfe to try Words, and diffinguifh different Sounds and Voices But the Truth of God, direaed and animated by the Spi- rit, Both not flop at the Ear, the door f the Soul, but paffes into the Under- ítanding 395