Bates - BT766 B3 1699

396 Spiritual Perfection. (landing and the Heart , that make a change fo real and great in the qualities of Men, as is exprefs'd by fubftantial produ&ions : 'Tis therefore Paid, We are begotten and born again by the incorrupti- ble fed of the Word. The Word becomes effeaual for the increafe of Holinefs when 'tis mix'dwith Faith, which binds the Confcience to entire Obedience. 'Tis theWord of God, our Xing, Law-giver, and yudge ; the Rule of our prefent Duty, and of future Judgment, in the great day of decifion. The Divine Law is univerfal and un- changable, and the Duties of it are not neceffary for force , and needlefs for others, but muff be obeyed without par- tiality, notwithftanding the repugnance of the Carnal Pallions : When 'tis fe- rioufly believed and confidered , the hearers are induced to receive it with preparation and refolution of yielding to it. There is no Truthmore evident nor injur'd than this, that perfe& Obedience is due to the Will of God, declar'd in 'his Word : This all profefs in thegene- ral, but contradia in particulars, when a Temptation croffes the Precept. Now the firff as of Obedience to the Truth, is the believing it with fo ftedfaff an affent, wrought by the Spirit , that k purifies