Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfec7ion. purifies theHeart, and reforms the whole Man, 2. With Faith there muff be joyn'd an earneft delire to grow in Holinefs. This is declar'd by St. Peter , As new born babes defiire the fincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby. in the Natural Life there is an infeparable Ap- petite of Food to maintain it ; the in- ward fenfe of its necefíities , caufes a hunger and thirft after fuitable fupplies to preferve and improve it. This is ex- perimented in every one that is born of the Spirit they attend and apply the Word of God to them, not merely to prevent the (harp refleaions of Confci- ence, for the impious neglea of their Duty, for that proceeds from Fear, not fromDelire, but to grow in Knowledge and Holinefs ; not in an aiery flafhy Knowledge, that is only fruitful to in- creafe Guilt and Púnifhment, but fub- ftantial and Paving Knowledge, that is influential uponpraaice. Hearing is in order to doing, and doing is the way to Happinefs. 'Tis not the forgetfulhearer, but the doer of the Word Pall be bleffed irx his deed. The bare knowledge of Evil does no hurt, nor the bare knowledge of our Duty without praaice , does no Good. Feeding, without digefting the Food, and turning it into Blood and Spi- rits, 397