Bates - BT766 B3 1699

398 Spiritual Per fechot. tits, affords noNourifhment nor Strength. `The molt diligent hearing, and compre- henfive knowledge of our Duty, with- out pratice is not profitable. The ene- my of our Souls is content that Divine Truths Ihould be in our Underftandings, if he can intercept their paffage into our Hearts and Converfations. He praaices over continually the firft Temptation, to induce us by Guile to choofe the Tree of Knowledge before the Tree of Life. We are therefore commanded to be doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving our own Souls. 3. That the Spiritual Life may be in- creafed by the Word, it mutt be laid up in theMind and Memory, and hid in the Heart. David fays, Ihave hid thy Word in my Heart, that I may not fin again/t thee. His Affeaion to the Word caufed his continual Meditation of it, that it might be a living Root of the Fruits of Holinefs in their feafon. If there were the fame care and diligence in remern. bring and obferving the Rules of Life prefcrib'dby the Wifdom of God in the Scriptures, as Men ufe in remembring and praaifing Rules for the recovery of the Health of their Bodies, and 'tis júf} ly requifite there fhould be more, (fince the Life of the Soul infinitely excels the Life