Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual .Perfec`Fon: 399 Life of the Body) how holy and bleffed would they be ? The Advice of the Roman Phyfician that is conducive for the Health of the Body, is applicable to the Soul ; After Poft fatretatem a full Meal abflain from laborious Actions nihil agendum' ' Celfus, that the heat of the Spirits may be concen- tered in the Stomach for Digeftion; other- will' if diverted and imployed in Labour, the Stomach will be filled with Crudities. Thus after hearing the Word , our thoughts Mould not be fcattered in the World ; but we fhould recoiled and re= volve it in our Minds, that it may be digefted into praaice. 'Tis laid of the Virgin Mary, She kept theft fayings, and Luke 2E q . pondered them in her heart. There are powerful Motives to ingage us to a confcientious attendance upon this Duty. Our Saviour tells us, He that hears me, that is, with fubjeaionof Soul, bath EternalLife. And in one Inffance he has declar'd, how much approv'd and acceptable it was to him : For when Mar- tha was imployedabout entertaining him, and Mary was attentive to receive his Inffrudions, he Laid, Mary has chof the better part , that fbali not be taken from her. His feeding Mary was more plea- ting to him, than to be fed by Martha. But how many negleE and defpife this Duty ? Some pretend they know enough ; fuck,