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Spiritual PerfeEl ori. to that end. The attendance upon it has a- Blaring annex1d, and the negleff expófes to Divine Difpleafure ; He that withdraws his Ear from hearing thi Law, his Páayes fhall be an abominatián. And let it be ferioufly pondered , there is a time corning, when only Prayer can re4- lieve them. I fhall add; that the ferious reading the Scripture, that there may be an im4 preffion of the Charaaers of its . Purity On theSoul, is a Duty of daily revolu Lion. We are commanded , that the Word of God fhould dwell rich all wifdom r As the Soul quickens the Bow dy by its refidence, direEs it in all its motions ; fö the Word fhould he it the Soul an inward principle of Life, to dire& and excite; and enable it for the performance of every Duty. This Ad- vice of the Apoffle is comprehenfive of all other Precepts, and the effeaual means of obtaining Petfeaion. Our Reading mutt be with obfervation, and applying the Word for our Good There is a great difference between falling on the water for Pleafiire, and diving in it for Pearls : Some read the Scriptures td pleafe their Minds ill the Hitlory óf thé Creation , and the Wonders of God's powerful Providence , and the variou' Events in the Kingdòns of the World D d reeorde