402 Spiritual Perfec ion. recorded in them. But there muff be diligent Enquiry for Spiritual Treafures to enrich the Soul. How Carelefs are the moft of this Duty ? There are above Eight Thou- fand Hours in a Year, and how few are employed in Reading theScriptures, that dire& us in the Everlafting Way ? The common pretence is neceffary Bufinefs : but all Excufes are vain againft the Command of God. Is the working out our Salvation an indifferent idle matter ? Muff he principal Affair of our Life, be fubordinate to lower Concerns ? The infinite bufìnefs of Governing a King- dom, is no exemption to Princes from Reading the Word of God : for the Command is to him thatfats on the Throne, to read the Law of God all the days of his Life, that he mayfear the Lord, and do his Statutes. 3. The Word muff be fincerely re- ceived as 'tis fincerely deliver'd. The Rule is, to lay afide all fuperfluity of naugh- tinefs, and receive the engrafted word, that is able to fave our Souls. There is no food more eafily turn'd into Blood than Milk : but if the Stomach be foul, it fowers and corrupts, and is hurtful to the Body. The Word of Grace, if re- ceived into a fincere Heart, is very nu- tritive, it Confirms and Comforts the Soul