Bates - BT766 B3 1699

but if there be falfe PrincipleS proves dangerous. A Carnal Man *ill fet the Grace of the Gofpel againft the Precepts, and apply the Promifes with- out regarding the Conditions of them, and from holy Premlifes draw finful Con- clufions. Briefly, Hearing the Word is not ari Arbitrary,but an indifpenfableDuty. The Pfalmill puts theqUellion, He that plant- ed the ear, ¡hall not he hear ? and it may be faid with the fame Convidion, He that gives ta the faculty of hearing, ¡hall not he be heard? But we muff not reff the bare hearing, for 'tis an introduaive preparing Duty in order to praaife; There may be an increafe in Knowledgei ing, fome melting of the Affeaions, like lutions of Obedience, but without fin- cere praaife, the Man is a Hearer only; and deceives honfilf. Every Sermon that he hears will, notwiLihrtaing his vain Hopes, be an argument againft hint at the Day of Judgment. The itefi, dence of the praaical Truths is rather in the Heart than in the Head if they are only in the Head, they are kept hi unrighteouplefs yet there is no deceit more Common. Men think they are 403 )