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4.oq. Spiritual Perfeffion. enrich'd with the Ideas and Notions of Divine Truths in their Minds, without the habits of Graces in their Hearts. Briefly, The End and Work of the E- vangelical Miniftry is the Perfeaion of the Saints : as the Apoffle declares, We warn every man, and teach every man, that we may prefent every man perfect in Chrifl Jeftks. This teftimony is given of Epa- phrac, a Servant of Chrift, That he ald ways labour'd fervently in Prayer, that the Colo/ans might be perfed and compleat in all the will of God. 3. Tre Religious Ufe of the Sacra- ment, of the Lord's Supper, is an excel- lent Means for the Increafe of Grace. The Rate of Grace is reprefented under tile Similitude of a New Man, born from Heaven, and partaker of a Spiri- tual Life, that Confiffs in Holinefs and Joy. This 'Spiritual Life fuppofes a Spiritual , Nourifhment to preferve it , and a Spiritual Appetite, and that a Spi- ritual Eating and Drinking. Our Savi- our denominates himfelf by the Chara- aer of Life : I am the way, the truth, and the life , he being the Principle and Pre - ferver of the Spiritual Life. In the Sa- crament, he is the Bread of Life : there are the Sacred Memorials of his Cruci- fixion, of his Body and Blood, which are meat indeed, and are drink indeed, that afford