Spiritual Per fec` ion. 4®5 afford a more fubftantial and excellent Nourifhment for the Life of the Soul, than the perifbing Food that fupports the Body. Our Saviour tells the Yews, Tour fathers eat Manna in the wildernef, , john 6.' andare dead H the Bread of Angels could not preferve them from Death, but the Breadof God is the Principle of Eternal Life. He is pleafed to deal familiarly with us, fuitably to our Compofition and Capacity, and humbles himfelf in a Sa- cramental Union with theElements, that fight may aflift Faith. This is a pofitive Inftitution, that de- rives its Authority and Goodnefs from the Precept of our Soveraign and Savi- our. It was his dying Charge to his Difciples, to which a fpecial and molt reverent obfervance is due. 'Tis revocable in its Nature, but not to ceafe without the Will of the Legiflator, either ex- prefly declar'd, or vertually by the cea- fingof the end of it. As the Ceremo- nial Law is abolifh'd by the fame Au- thority that ordain'd it, the end of the Inftitution being obtain'd. But this Or- dinance is by our Saviour_ commanded to continue till his Second Coming in Glory, the end of it being the revival of the memory of his Death. I will not inlift upon the feveral Con - formities between the Natural Food and D d 3 the