Bates - BT766 B3 1699

4o6 Spiritual PerfeEtion. the Spiritual ; for the principal Compa.- rifon and refemblance is in the End for which food is neceffary and appointed, without which there can be no fubfiffing Life but confider how the Life of the Soul is ffrcngthened in this Ordinance, which is not a naked fign of his Suffer- ings for us, but the feal of the Covenant of Grace , and wherein our Saviour , though his bodily Prefence be confin'd to Heaven, yet does really and fpiritually exhibit himfeifwith all his faxing Bene- fits to fincere Believers. Confider how Repentance., Faith and Love are in- çreas'd by this Ordinance. I. Repentance is a Vital, Operative Grace, not only in mortifying Sin, but in bringing forth many excellent Fruits fuit- able to ir. All the Terrors at Mount Sinai in givingtheLaw,cannot make fuck an imprealion on the Confcience of the righteous and fearful Anger of God for Sin, as the infliEion of Wrath upon our dying Saviour. He receiv'd into his Brea ft the Arrows of the Almighty, that drank up his Blood and Spirits, though in himfelf he was perfeFtly Holy. Surely he has horn our griefs, and carried our /orrows : he was wounded for our tram grellions, andbruifed for our iniquities, the fhaftifement of our peace was upon him, and with his ;riper we are heal'd. We read thät