. Spiritual Perfeelion. that Nathanwas fent from God to David, when infenfible of his Guilt of Murder and Adultery, to awaken him to review his Sin : he for that end us'd a very moving Parable, of a Rich Man that had many Flocks, yet to entertain a Stranger, rob'd a Poor Man of his only Lamb, and dreft it for him. This Da- vid fo refented, that he threatned the fevereft Revenge for fuch an unrighteous and unmercifulanion. Andwhen Nathan turned the point of the Parable againft his Breaft, charging him, Thou art the man, in what Agonies and Confufion was he furpriz'd, as his mournful Com- plaint declares. When we read in the Narrative of our Saviour's Sufferings, of the Treachery of f udac, the Malice of the Priefts, the Fury of the People, the Cowardife of ,Pilate, and theCruelty of the Soldiers, how apt are we to con- ceive Indignation againft his Murderers ? but when Confcience, like the true Pro- phet , fhall with a piercing Reproach charge us that our Sins Condemn'd and Crucified him, how will this open the Springs of Godly Sorrow, and looking on him whomwe have pierced, caufe us to Mourn, as thole that mourn for a frill- born? How will the Contemplation of him in his Sufferings, excite Indignation with Zeal and Revenge againft our d 4 felves, 407