Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfecclion. elves, for our choofing and committing thole Sins that were the meritorious Caufe of his Sufferings ? Since he bore our Sins, ?tis juft we fhould fimpathize in his Sorrows. How inftruaive and exemplary was infenfible Nature, as if capable of Knowledge and Affeaion in the time of his Sufferings ? It was dif ordet'd in the Heavens, and fimpathiz'd in the Elements. The Sun was obfcur'd againft all poffibility of Nature ; for the Moon was oppofite, and in the Full, and in the twinkling of an Eye part half the Circle of the Heavens ; and beingempty of Light towards the Earth, by its in- terpofïtion, hid the body of the Sun be!., hind it. The Air was as dark at mid- day, as at mid-night. The Earth trem- bled ; the Rocks rent. Have the Rocks fofter Bowels than obdurate Sinners ? 'Tis a greater prodigy, that thole whole Sins made his Death neceffary, are un- affeEed with it, than that Nature feem- ed to have changed its Principles and Properties to fignifie its refentment of it. Cod's Anger darkens the Sun, and Makes the Earth ; and iball fnful Men be un- relenting ? If by Faith and Confideration we Crap(port our felves to Mount Calvary, and with the bleffed Virgin, Rand at the fogs of the Crofs when our. Saviour was dying,