Spiritual ,Perfection. 409 dying, we thall feel the working of her Affe&ions, whet) a Sword pierc'd through her Soul. Now in the Sacrament there is a reprefentationof Chrift Crucifiedbe- fore our Eyes, which is the molt power- ful motive of Godly Sorrow, and the infeparable confequent of it, the deftru- aive hatredof Sin ; and of holy Refo- lutions, that as he dyed for Sin, we will dye to it. 2. Faith, that is the Root fromwhence other Graces fpring and flourith, is in- creas'd and confirm'd by the ufe of this Ordinance. As by the looking on the myfterious I3raien Serpent, there was an Antidote conveyed to heal the Ifraelites {Tung by the Fiery Serpents ; fo by the looking on Jefus in his Sufferings, our wounded Spirits are healed. The dig- nity of his Perfon, the depth of his Suf- ferings , and his voluntary yielding of himfèlf to them, are the fupports of Faith. The Sin-Offerings under the Law were entirely confumed in their Confe- cration to Divine Juftice, and no part was referved to be eaten by the Offerers To fignifie their Imperfeaion and Inef- cacy to reconcile God to Sinners, and to pacifie their accufing Confciences. The Beafts by fubftitution fuffer'd Death for thole who offer'd them, but could not purchafe 1-ife for them. Our Saviour is as