410 Spiritual Per fec ion. as truly given tous to communicate Life, as he was given for us in his Death. When he offer'd himfelf the moll folemn Sacrifice on the Crofs, he was not con- fum'd : His Body and Blood are the Feaft of Love upon his Sacrifice , the cleareft alluring fign of God's being re- concil'd to us. The Blood of the Lamb, the trae Wine , ha" rejoic'd the Heart of God and Man. Our High Prieft con- tinually prefents his Father, in the Coele- ftial SanEtuary, his bloody Sacrifice, of which there is a Commemoration on the Holy Table. If God remember ourSins, we remember his anointed Prieft to ex- piate them. If the timerous Confcience be in anxiety for the number and heinouf- nefs of Sins, and the number of Sinners who muff periíh for ever without this Miracle of Mercy , as if one Sacrifice were not fufficient toabolilh their Guilt let it be confider'd that his Death is of infinite value ; and what is infinite can- not be divided ; he was intirely offer'd for every penitent unfeigned Believer. The weaken has as full an Intereft and Bene- fit in it, as if it had been offer'd folely for him, and may apply and appropriate it to himfelf with as true folid Comfort, as if he had been prefent at our Saviour's Crucifixion, and heard him fpeaking the words of Life, I give my fell for thee. His