Spiritual Perfecclion. His Blood cleanfes from all Sin, and is a propitiation for the Sins of the world. Thefe are no &lions of Fancy, but the real operations of the Holy Spirit, who brings to our remembrance the Deathof Chrift in that lively Sacramental Repre- fèntation, and feats the pardoningMercy of God to our Souls, and conveys all the precious Fruits of it to us. A lively Faith on our fuffering Saviour , makes him ours by an intimate and infeparable union and fruition. We dwell in him, and he in ta. Howmany droopingSouls have been raifèd, how many wounded Spirits have been healed , how many cloudy Souls have been inlightened in that Ordinance ? Here the comforting Spirit breaths, our Saviour fhews his reviving Countenance, God fpeaks Peace to his People. A Believer toffs the hid- den Manna, and the Love of Chrift, that is fiveeter than Wine. The bruifed Reed becomes a thongPillar in theTem- ple of God, the fmoaking Flax is che- rififd into a purer and more pleafant Light, than fprings from the Sun in its brightnefs. 3. Love to Chrift is increas'd by par- taking of this Ordinance , wherein his bloody Death is reprefentede Greater Love could not be exprefs'd than in his dying for us, and leffer Love could not , have aim