Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfe5ionò are moft fenfible in fpiritual Communion with our Saviour at this Feaíf. The in- flamed Spoufe, in a Raptureof Admira- tion and Complacency, breaks forth, I am my beloved's, and he is mine. St. Paul, who was rap'd up to the third Heavens, and heard unfpeakable things, declares Chrift crucified to be the moft excellent Objet of his Knowledge, his molt pre- cious Treafure, and deareft Joy. 'Tis true, the carnal receiver of the Elements is a ífranger to this Love and Joy, that is only felt by Faith and Ex- perience. There are many Chriftians in title, that never felt any vital emanati- ons from Chrift in this Ordinance. The moft content themfelves withSacramen- tal Communion without Spiritual , and feel no correfpondent Affeaions to his extream Sufferings for us. But if there be a fpark of Life in the Soul , if all be not cold and dead within , the re- membrance of Chrift's bleeding and dy- ing Love will inexpreffibly endear him to us. Now our Sanaification was a princi- pal end of his Death. The Apoffle de- clares, that Chrift loved his Church, and gave himfelf for it, that he might famtifre and cleanfe it by the wafting of the water, and by the word ; That he might prefent to himfelf 413