Bates - BT766 B3 1699

414- Spiritual derfellion. himfif a glorious Church, not having Jjot or wrinkle, or any filch thing; but that it fbould be holy and without blemifb. Can we allow any Sin in our Hearts and Lives, and defeat thedefign of his Love, and difparage the vertue of his Suffer, ings ? Can we endure any Sin to reign inus, that was the caule of his Death, fo full of Ignominy and Torment ? He has declared how precious our Sanaifi- cation is in his efteem ; 'tis one of the richeft Veins in the whole Mineof Grace, and can we flight it ? Can we imagine that his Death obtain'd for us an impure Indulgence for our Lufts, when the end of it was our abfolute Purity ? Can we content our felves with low degrees of Holinefs, when he paid fo dear a Price for our PerfeEion ? The comfortable of urance that he was crucified for us arifis from our being crucified with him , to all the Vanities of the world. In- deed, the external receiving this Ordi- nance, is not beneficial to an Unbeliever, no more than that the fetting a Feaft be- fore a dead Body, that is uncapable of feeding and nourifhment : Men muff be- lieve before they can receive fpiritual nourifhment by it ; and have the Life of Grace, before they can feed on the Bread of Life : But the unfeigned Believer finds his inward Man renewed by it, I