Spiritual PerfeEliora: I will add to what has been faid, that in this Ordinance the Covenant of the Gofpel is Pealed by the contraaing Par- ties ; God ratifies his Promife of Grace, and we feal our Duty of Obedience. 'Tis true , we are bound by an antecedent right , and higher obligation than our own confent ; the Command of God binds us to take this Covenant, and to keep it : We are bought with a price, and are not our own. Now if the Blood of theSon of God be our Ranfom from the bondage of Sin and Death, and we in the Sacrament partake of his Blood, and by that folemn Right dedicate our felves to him, That whether we live, we live to the Lord; or whether we dye, we dye to him, how coni}raining is this to make us dili- gent in accompliíhing the facred ends of Chrift's Inftitution ? How juft is it that Liince he dyed for our Salvation, we fhould . live to his Glory ; and when we renew our Right in the Bleflìngs of the Cove- nant, we Should fincerely renew our Ob- ligations to the Duties of it ? If after our holy Engagement, we renounce our Al- legiance to our Prince and Saviour, by entertaining his Enemies, the Luffs of the Flefh, we incur a double Guilt, not only by tranfgrefíing the Law of God, but by violating our Oath of Fidelity ; and 4I5