416 Spiritual .derfeccii6n. and double Guilt will bring double Date nation. That the renewing our Covenant at the Lord's Supper may be more of eaual, Iet us confider, (t.) That holy Refolutions and En- gagements are the immediate Principle of Obedience. Till the Conjiiaions of our Duty are wrought into Refolutions, they are of no efficacy, (a.) They muff proceed frorn the de- liberate Judgment, and determir'd 7d1ä The Apoffle declares, The live of Chrifl eonffrains us, we thus- judge, if one dyed for all, then were all dead ; and the con- fequence is ftrong, that we fhould live tó him, who dyed for us. Empty valleities are no volitions ; faint and wavering Purpofes have no force. Believers are ßi5 P È. exhorted , Frith full purpofe of Heart to cleave to the Lord. (3.) The renewing our holy Engage.; ments are very neceffary for perfeverance in our Duty. Our Hearts are falfe and foolifh, and apt to fly from God ; they are as changable as the Weather, and as Temptations are prefented , apt to be fir'd with Carnal Delires, or frozen With Carnal Fears, and to defert our Duty Therefore 'tis neceffary to fix theta by repeated Vows of Obedience. We are ireed