Spiritual Per f eciion. direEed to arm our felves with the fame Minds ; that is, with firm Refolutions to ceafe from Sin. 'J'he girdle of Truths is a principal part of our fpiritual Ar- mour, that fattens it upon us. Sredfaft Engagements ro obey God, are power- ful to excite every Grace in its Eafon, to rifè up in defiance againft our fpiri- tual Enemies, David Pays, I have (warn and will perform it , that I Will keep thy Precepts, By the folemn and frequent renewing our Vows of Obedience, the Tempter is difcourag'd, and fiyes from us. Let us every Morning next our Hearts, refolve to walk with God all the day. (4.) God is well pleafed with our fin- cere Refolutions to keep dole to him. Who is this that engages his Heart to clot withMen ? He is the Infpeaor and Judge of our Hearts, and norwithftanding our Infirmities, accepts our fincerity. (5.) There are peculiar Circurnftances that enforce the inviolable obfervation of our Sacramental Vows. Our origi- nal and permanent Obligation that we contracted in our Baptifm , in the pre, fence of the Church, when we were lift- ed under our Redeemer's Colours to op- pofe his Enemies and ours, Satan in com- bination with the Flefh and the World, fho.ld have a ftrong and confiant influ- E e ette 41?