Bates - BT766 B3 1699

4. r 8 Spiritual Perfe7ion, ence into our Lives. Our underfianding and voluntary renewirgs of this at the Lord's Supper, makes it more binding. 'Tis mentioned before, that God is plea- fed, by an admirable Condefcenfion, to be a party in the Covenant, and binds himfelf to below his molt free Favours, and takes pleafure in performing what is promifed. 'Ls becoming his Wifdom to glorifie his Moral Perfeaions in his Tranfaaions with Man ; not only his Mercy, but his Truth, in laving us. The Lord thy God he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them that love him, and keep his Command- ments. The Attribute of Faithfulnefs is fet next the Deity , as very dear and pleafing to him. He engages himfelf partly for our Comfort , to difpel the Clouds of Fear, that are apt to rife in our Bofoms from the fenfe of our many and mighty Sins; therefore his Mercy is fecur'd to us by a Covenant, and that Covenant efl:ablifh'd by an Oath , the fure evidence 'ris irrevocable, and feal'd by the Blood of the Mediator ; and part- ly, to infirua us by his Example , to maintain our Integrity, which we en- gage in leafingour part of the Covenant. 'Tis fàid of God, that he cannot Lye, from the Veracity of his Nature, and the unchangeablenefs of his Will , and he Def. 7.