Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual PërféHioti.. he reckons of his People thej will not Lye, from that Divine Difpóftion that is proper to them, Now that God is pleated in that Ordinance to give us the cleareft and frrongeft Affurance of his Pardoning Mercy, ílould make us very obfervant and exa&c in performing the Condition of it ö What our Saviour faid to the Mari`, heard Miraculoufly of his Lamenefs, is vertually fignified in every Pardon we receive, Go away, fin no more, le a worf thing befàl you. Sin is ex- tremely aggravated , when. Perfidiouf - nefs and Ingratitude are mixa withDif obedience. Our Refolutions againft ink are preventing Phyfick, but in breaking them, the Remedy increafes the Difeafeg' and accelerates Death, more painfully And fiiddenly. IT will hear what God the Lord will peak, he will /read peace to his people, Dart let them not return to follj. To fin againft the Law is a high provoca- tion, but to fin againft fpecial Love,' grieves the Holy Spirit , and deeply wounds our Spirits. Now fiance our hearts are deceitful ü abo rc all things, and fence our Refolutions are fleet and fading, let us earnet'ly prays for Divine Grace to Ef 'ablifh them, and entirely depend ,û`pon. it 'Tis more, eafìe to raife i Fortification` in time of Peace $° than to . defend it in time of E e War,