4.10 Spiritual Perfec ion. War. In the abfence of a Temptation, we readily purpofe to abilain from Sin, but when they afí'ault us, how often are we furpriz'd, and vangnifh'd. &avid Pfal. 119.8. refolves, I will keep thy Statutes, but to keep his Refolution inviolate, he prays, U forfake me not utterly. He Promifes, Pf11. 39 ' I will take heed to my ways, that I f n not with my tongue, I will keep my mouth as with a bridle : but he Addreffes himfelf to Kai. 141. 3. God for affiitance,. Set a watch before my mouth, andkeep the door of my lips. Our Refolutions are Light and Feathery, foon fcatter'd by a ftorm of Fear : 'tis as dangerous to truft in a Heart of FIefh, as in an Arm of Flefh. Nothing is more un- f}able than Water, but when pour'd into a'ftrongCiftern, 'tis as fure as that that contains it. Thus Divine Grace preferves our unftable Heart from flipping. 4. The Religious obfervation of the Lords Day is an Excellent means for the increafe of Holinefs. 'Tis worthy of our ferious Obferving, that the Fourth Commandment is enforc'd with a Note of Excitation, Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day, to imprefs the fenfe of our Duty upon Confcience, and to con- fine our tranfgrefbng Nature, that is fo apt to alienate that time that is Sacred to God, and the Intereft of our Souls, to Carnal and Profane Ufes. 'Tis fan- Etitied