Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per fec``fion. +a i aified and fit apart by the Lord of our Perlons and Time, for the celebrating the moft Excellent Works of his Power and Goodnefs in Creation and Redemp- tion. He that gave us our Beings, and rais'd us from the Duff, to an Honour little lower than the Angels, thole Hea- venly Spirits, and has ranfòm'd us from our woful Bondage ; he that dignified us with the Imprefhion ofhis own Image, and the Affumption of ours. The Mo- rality of the Command is perpetual that one day of (even be Confecrated and Separated for Divine Worfhip : but the defignation of the Day to the 7ewes , was in remembrance of their Delive- rance from Egypt, and to Chriftians, in remembrance of our Deliverance from the Tyranny of the fpiritual Pharaoh , Satan and his infernal Army , Benefits exceeding thofe of Creation, and re- fcuing from the Bondage of Egypt. In- deed every Day we fhould Redeem Time from butinefs and pleafures for the immediate Service of God : but on the Lord's Day, we muff be entirely Con- verfant in Holy Duties, Publick and Pri- vate, and abífain from CommonWorks unlefs of Necefflty and Mercy. The Religious Rets of the Fourth Command- ment, is to be obfèrved by Chriftians fo far as'tis requisite for our attendance on E e 3 the