2 ,spiritual leerfeHion. the Service of God. 'Tis not only our Duty, but our heavenly Priviledge, that being tir'd in the duff: and toil of the World , we have a freedom, and are call'd to draw near to God, with the pro- mife that he will dram near to us, that when we pay our Homage; we (hall receive infinite Bleffings for then in the Coma !amnion of Saints we prefent our requef}s with a filial freedom to God, and we re- ceive his Precepts for the ordering our lives topleafe him : and by a Temporal Holy Refi, are prepar'd for an Eternal Glorious Reft. The obîerving this Command enables us to do the reif for the Duties of it are Divine and Spiritual, and have a powerful influence in the Souls of Men lör` the exercifè of Grace,' by a proper efficacy increafes it, and in their fandi- tying that day,' God fanaifies them, and liberally bellows the Treafures of Grace nd Joy, the confequent Bleiing of thé divine Inffitution. The Profaners of that Holy Time, do vertuallly renounce their Allegiance tò the : Creator and Redeemer, they will iot attend upon his Oracles, but defpife the Perfons and Office of the Minifters of Chriff, and their Contempt refeas is upon