Spiritual Perfection. upon him.They make the Sabbath their de- light, in another fenfe than the Command- ment intends : they make it a Play-day. Others whoare call'd and counted Chri- ftians, who are good in every thing, but wherein they fhould be belt ; they ate Juft and Merciful , Temperate and Chafte, Affable and Obliging to Men, but wretchedly neglea the duties of Pie- ty to God, and the fanaifying his day. That precious and dear interval to a Saint, from the bufinefs of the World, is a galling reftraint to Carnal Men from their fecular Employments. 'Tis true, they will go to the publick Won-hip ei- ther for feculary refpeEs, Cullom, or the Coertion_ of the Laws, or the im- pulfe of Confcience, that will not be quiet without fome Religion, but they are glad when 'tis done, and by vain dif- courfes daft] out of their minds, the in- ftruEions of the Word of God. They fpend a great part of the day as if it were unfan&ified time, in curious dredlîng, in Luxurious Feafting , in Complemental Vifits, in Idlenefs, and brnetimes in Anions worfe than Idlenefs. The cer- tain Caufe of this Profanenefs is, they are not partakers of the divine Nature, that inclines the Soul to God, and raifes our efteem of Communion with him as a Heaven upon Earth, and from hence e4 it 413