42 Spiritual Perfedora. it follows, that they come and go fi'ooi the Publick Ordinances, neither cleanfèd from Sin, nor chang'd into the divine Image. But thofe who confcientioully employ that day in Duties proper to it, in Prayer and Hearing, and Reading the Scriptures, and fpiritual Books, in holy Conference, whereby Light and Heat is mutually Communicated among the Saints, and in the Meditation of Eternal things, whereby faith removes the Vail, and ,looks into the Sanctuary of Life and Glory ; as Mofes by Converting with God in the Mount, came down with a Twining Countenance, fo a divine Luffre will appear in their Converfations in the following Week. 5. The frequent difeuflìon of Con feience, and review Of our Ways, is an effftual Means of riling to Perfection in Holinefs. This Duty is difficult and diftaflful to Carnal Perfons : for Senfe is prevalent and fattens their Thoughts upon External Objects, that they are un- fit for reflecting upon themfelves, for the proper and moil excellent operations of the 1 eafonable Soul, wherein they are rais'd to the Rank of Angelical Spirits, and to a refemblance of the Deity, who Eternally Contemplates with Infinite De- light, the ferfeaions of his Nature, and Ole Copy of them in his Works. They are