Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfgion. 425 are infenfible of the Nobility of their Nature , and cannot fequefier them- felves from Worldly things , and en- ter into the Retirements of their Souls. They are afraid and unwilling to look into their Hearts, lel} they Mould be Convinc'd and over - argued by Confcience of their woful Condi- tion. Home is too hot for them. Their fiudy is to Charm their Cares , and not to be difturb'd in ' their Secu- rity. But the Duty is indifpenfable requir'd of us. We are commanded to Jland Pfal . in arve and fin not, and commune with our ¢ ` own hearts : to Jearch and try our wages, Lam. 3.4 . and turn to the Lord : to prove our ó,vn GaL 6.4. work. The benefit refulting from it , is worth our Care, and fhould make us to digeft all difficulties in the perfor- mance. David declares, I thought on Pfal. iig9 my wades, and turned my feet to thy to/Ii- monies. He firf7r refleEted on his ways, and then reform'd them. Confcience muff be awaken'd by Grace, or Judg- ment to Self-refleaion. The examen of Confcience either re- gards our fpiritual State, or our Aaions in their Moral ualities of Good and Evil. The firff is of infinite moment, that we may underfiand whether we are in the Bate of polluted Nature, or n