Bates - BT766 B3 1699

<. 26 Spiritual Per fec`lian. in a renewed Tfate , and confequently, whether in the prefent Favour of God, or under his Difpleafure, and according- ly what we may expe& in the next World, a bleffed or miferable Eternity. But as was before obferved, Men are very avert from the fevere tryal of their Rate, for fear the. iffue will be perplex- ing ; the exaa inquiry into their Lives is like the Torment on the Rack : Or if fometimes they turn their thoughts in- ward to confider themfelves, they do it nightly , not with fincere Judgment ; and though theirfpiritual Rate be uncer- tain, or apparently evil , yet they are refolved not to doubt of it. This ne- gle& is fatal to many , who comfort themfelves with their Company, becaufe the molt are in no better condition than they are. This I Thal] not infif on, but confider the furvey of Mens A&ions. Confci- ence is the centre of the Soul, to which all Moral Good and Evil has a tendency ; 'tis an internal fupervifor and guardian, which a Man always carries in his Bo- fom. To perform its Office, it muff, i. Be inlightened with theclear know- ledge of the Divine Law in its Precepts ; for Duties unknown cannot be praaifed, andSins unknown and unconfider'd can not be loathed and forfaken. The Law like