Spiritual Perfeclion. 4-27 like a clear and equal glafs (that refleas the Beams according to their incidence) difcovers the beauties and fpots of the Soul. There are contain'd in it general Rules that refpea all, and particular Pre- cepts that concern the feveral relations of Men. 2. The difcuffion of Confcience that it may be effeaual, muff in the manner of it, be regulated by the matter of the difcuffion, that is, good and evil AEtions, which are of eternal Confequence ; and the end of it, themaking us better. Ac- cordingly it muff be, (I.) Diftin ± in comparing our Açfi- ons with the Rule, that we may under- ftand the defeas of our belt Duties, and the aggravations of our Sins : The Law enjoyns the Subftance and Circumftances of our Duties, and forbids all kinds and degrees of Sin. The more particular the difcuf ion is, the more perfea. (2.) It muff be ferious, and with fin- cere Judgment, as previous to our Tryal at God's Tribunal. This Confderation will excite the Confcience, which is the directive and applicative Mind , to be vigilant and impartial in lifting our felves, that no Sin of otniflion or commifíion may be paft over ; for what a high Efrain of Folly is it,, to be fubtle to conceal any Sin fr®m our feives , which are open to