Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfecion. proficiency in Vertue , to revife in our thoughts at night, Wherein have I tranf- grefs'd, what have I done, what have I omitted ? In doing this , we fhall pre- ferve Confcience more tender and fenfi- ble ; for continuance in Sin hardens it. This will be a preventive Medicine ; for if the fing of Remorfe follows our ornif- fions of Good, and commiffions of Evil, and a divine Joy is felt in remembrance of our progrefs in, Holinefs, this will be a contant motive to refrain us from dif- orderly Aaions, and to form us to Per- feaion. Befides, there is a great diffe- rence between the habits of the Body, and of the Mind ; the firf wear and de- cay by continual ufè, the habits of the Mindby frequent practice, whether vi- cious or vertuous, increafe and are con- firm'd. And Pince in the moll excellent Saints there remain Sins of unavoidable weaknefs, the renewing our Repentance every dáy is neceffary to obtain the par- don of our Sins, which is promifed to all that mourn and (rive againf Sin : We are commanded not to let the Sun go down on our wrath, much lefs on God's. In fhort, let us every Morning confi- der the Duty of the day, which is a va- luable part of our Lives, and the proper feafons of doing it, and charge our Souls with a diligent regard to it. 'ris pru- dent