430 Nulla eft homi- nis nequiffieni ar£fior ctiftodia, queen opéris ex- slfió. Spiritual leer feciion. dent Advice how to make flothftil Ser- vants induftrious' ; in the Morning to prefcribe their Work, in the Evening to require an account what is done, or left undone, and to commend or cenfure, to reward or punifh, according to their di- ligence or negle&. There are rarely found Servants of fo depraved a temper, fo rebellious to Authority and Reafon fo untraaable, but they will mend by this managing. If this Duty be con - ftantly praaifed in a due manner, it will be of infinite profit to us. We read in the procefs of the Creation, that God revis'd the Works of every day , and fare they were Good , and in the end , faw they were very good , and ordain'd a Sabbath, a fign of his complacence in his Works. Thus if in the review of our AEions we find our Converfation has been in godly fincerity, that we have been faithful to God and our Souls in ftriving after Perfeaion , this refleaiori will produce Reft dnd yóÿ unleakable ;' Joy that centres in the Heart, and is united to the fubifance of the Soul ;r Joy that will ffouriíh in Advertity , when Carnal Joy withers a Joy that will not leave us at Death, but pats with us into the eternal World. This Oyl of Glad- ießwill make us more aEive and chear- ful in our udiverfal Duty But if we have