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Spiritual PerfeElion. 4.3 t have been (lack and carelefs in Religion ; if Sins have been eafily entertain'd, and eafily excus'd, the remembrance will im- bitter Sin, and make us more vigilant for the future. To make this Duty more profitable, we fhould compare our felves with our {elves, andwith others. a. With our felves, that we mayun. derftand whether we are advancing to- wards Perfeaion. Sometimes there is a gradual declenfion in the Saints them- felves , not obferved. When Sampfon had loft his myfterious Hair, upon the preferving of which his Strength depend- ed, and the Philiftines had feized him, he awoke out of hic flee?, and Paid, I will go out ps at other times before, and (hake my felf' ; and he wift not that the Lord wets departed from him. Thus many de- cline in their valuations and affeaions to things fpiritual, and are lets circumfpea in their Converfations, lets fervent in their delires of Grace, and faithful in the improvement of it than formerly ; and this deferves Heart - breaking Sorrow. 2. Betides, the comparing our felves with others who haved,excell'd us in Ho- linefs, and have been more watchful to abthiin from Sin, and e more zealous in doing Good, is very ufeful. This will waft] off the colour of the common Ex- cufò,