Bates - BT766 B3 1699

43 2 Spiritual Perfecc'iort. cure, That without the Holineßof an An- gel; Otis inspojble to be preferved undefiled in the midJt of Temptations : But as the Philofopher demonftrated the pof- fibility of Motion, by walking before a captious Caviller that denyed it, fowhen many Saints that have the fame frail Natures, and are Surrounded with the fame Temptations, keep themfelves pure in their Difpofitions and AElions, when they are regular in Duties of-civil Con- verfation with Men, and in holy Com- munion with God, and we that have the fame Spirit of Grace , and Word of 'Grace, to inttrua and affil{ us, fall fo fhort of their attainments, how will the comparifon upbraid us , and cover us with confufon ? I fhall add, that the deceitfulnefs of the Heart is dilcovered in this, Men are very apt to pleafè themfelves in thecom- parifon with thofe who are notorioufly worfe, but averle from confidering thofe who are eminently better. But this will be of no avail in the 'day of Judgment ; for the Law of God is the Rule to which we mutt conform, not the Ex- amples of others. Betides; how can any expert , that the Wickednefs of others fhould excufe them in Judgment, and not fear that the Holinefs of others (hall, accufe and condemn them CHAP.