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Spiritual Per fèi on. CHAP.`XIII. C ontinual watchfulneßrequifite for our ar vancing to Perfection. This refpeLts the preventing Evil, and doing Good. The Malice , the Craft, the Dili encc and Numbers of our Spiritual Enemies: We are very receptive ofTemptations. Tatch- fulnef refpects our doing Good in its lea- Jon, and with its proper Circu;flances. A due regard to the Duties of our fe- veral Relations, is neceffary in order to the perfecting of Holinej.', i3oralefláckr facred ; and, civil Relations confidered. The lait Counfel , Let our progreß to- wards Heaven be with the fame Zçal ("4. at our frrJt entrance into it , and the fame Serioufneß, .0 when rie come to the end of it 7; fThOntinual Watchfulnefs is requi-; fite, that we may, be ri1ing to- wards Perfeaion in ]Holinefs. The 'late of Sin in Scripture is teprefented by a deep Sleep , that is the true .Image of Death 9 Awake thou that Jleepefl,, and arife from the dead, and CChrift fhzll give thee Light. The fpiritual Sleep is underflood by comparifon with the natural: In the natural x the Iui'run eats of Senfè and F f Motidi 433