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434- Spiritual Per fecclionì Motion are bound up ; the apprehenfive Faculties that di%over dangers, and the wive Powers that refift or avoid them, are fufpended from their exercife. Now fpiritual Security is call'd a Sleep, as it implies ignorance of dangers that threa- ten the Soul, and unpreparednefs to pre- vent them. Accordingly, in oppofition to carnal fecurity, Watchfulnels confifis in two things ; in the forefight of ap- proaching Evils , and furnifhing our felves with means, and Wing them for our fafety. There is the Life of Grace in every regenerä*e Perron, but Watch- fulnefs implies the lively exercife and aaivity of Grace : In the prefent Rate, the fpirit of Slumber is apt to Beal upon us ; even the wife Virgins Jiumber'd and flept. The three Difciples at Chrift's Transfiguration in the Mount, when it might be imagin'd there could be no in- clination in them, and no temptation to fleep, for, that the glorious Light would powerfullyexcite and a&uate the vifive Spirits, 'yet fell asleep ; and at his pri- vate Paflion in the Garden, when there was the greateft caufe of their forrow and fmpathy, yet were fiez'd with un- welcome heavinefs ; for which our meek Redeemer fo gently reprov'd them, Could ye not watch with me thus one hour ? The bell'