Spiritual PerfecTione 43 5 beft are liable to relaples into fecurity, till they fhall be awakened and railed by the Omnipotent Voice of the Son of God at the laft day, to Immortality and PerfeEion. Watchfulnefs may be confider'd either with refpe& to the preventing Evil, or the doing Good. With refpeû to the preventing Evil, there are . fuch Motives as fhould make us very circumlpec%, left we be overtaken and overcome by Temp- tations. i. If we confider the Subtilty and Strength, the Malice and Diligence, with the mighty numbers of our Spiritual Ene- mies, there is great reafon we Mould not only be awake, but watchful to oppole them. (i.) The Tempter is furprizingly fubtle, and underflands all the arts of circumventing and corrupting us. He knows the feveral Charaaers of Mens Difpofitions , the cornmixture of their Humours, all the radical Caules of their different Inclinations, and of thole Lulls that have dominion in them, He knows the various impreffions of Nature, fcorri the Sex, the Age, the Country ; from inherent or external Caufes ; fromHealth or Sicknels, Nobility, Obfcurity, Riches, Poverty, Profperity , Adverfity ô He F f 2 tempts