436 Spiritual Perféc`tirt. tempts to Senfhality in Youth, and Co- vetoufneffs in Old Age ; like the poffefs'd perfon in the Gofpel i that was fome. times cart into the Fire, and fometimes into the Water. Men often exchange -their Lofts, and deceive themfelves ; as if a dead Palfie were the Cureof a burn- ing Fever. Sometimehe will try to cool the Zeal of the Saints, who are ferious in working out their Salvation, by fug- gefting that their diligence is not necef- fary : But if he cannot recall them to their former fecurty, by the allurements of Seníè, he will difcourage their Hopes, and reprefent God as irreconcileable, and damp their Refolutions in feeking his Favour, and doing their Duty. _ Thus by firatagem and ambufh, or by open aifault, he attempts to ruine their Souls. (2.) His ftrength is fhperiour to ours. Evil Spirits are f}il'd, Principalities. and Powers, and /biritual Wickedneffes. We are :frail Flefh and Blood : But we are encouraged, that by our vigilancy, and the aflìffance of the Holy Spirit we Mall be preferved againff his utmoff c? zip I. 4. Power and Cruelty : For greater is he that is in the Saints, than he that is in the World. (3.) His Malice is deadly : Nothing can allay his Torment, but the invol- ving