Spiritual Per fec`' lion. 437 ving Men under his Judgment and Mi- fery. (4.) His Activity and Diligence is equal to his Malice. The Spirits of Darknefs' never {lumber nor fleep They are not capable of weaknefs or wean- nefs, as our faint Flefh is. He is reff- lets in following his pernicious defigns. What is recorded of Martelha, the Ro- Nec bonam nec rnalam ferre man General, is applicable to Satan, If potefl; he obtains a I/ieâory , he fiercely infults jeu vtctt, fero- and purfues it ; if he be repuls'd, he re- Citer infultat, jeu viíiitr, in- turns afrefb. His Spight is never fpent :1}ruent vifla- He tempted our Saviour with dif}ruff of rTbus cc' "Men' God's Providence, with Prefumption and Vain-glory ; and being foil'd in all at- tempts, 'tis laid, he departed for a feafon, and afterward made ufe of Peter as his Inffrument , to make him decline his Sufferings for the Salvation of Men. (5.) He has a mighty number of Prim cipalities and Powers, and i»ritual Wick - edneffes, under his Commands : There was a legion in one Man. St. Peter ear- neffly excites us to watchfulnefs ; for our adverfàry the Devil, with innumera- ble infernal Spirits , goes . ab®ut feeking whom he may devour. He is the molt 'formidable and leaff - .fear_'d Enemy in the World : We are furrounded with .iuvifible Enemies, fooner felt than féru, F f 3 . and