+38 Spiritual Perfecfion. and ufually not difcerned but by the Wounds they give us ; and yet the Senfes of Men are unguarded, and all the Gates are open, to give them an ea- fie entrance into their Souls. And tho' their operations in deffroying Souls are fecret , yet the deadly effeas of their Hatred are viíble ; for how few are there in whom the figns of the Spiritual Life appear ? 2. The World is the ffore-houle of his Temptations ; the Men of the World to allure us to Sin , or terrifie us from our Duty. The things of the World are fuitable to our vicious Appetites , and foment them ; like Food that is plea - ßànt, but unwholiòme, and feeds the Di- feafe. He puts a glofs and flattering co- lours upon earthly things, to give them a luftre in our Imaginations. 3; In our depraved 'fate, we are ve- ry receptive of his Temptations. The Innocence of the firff Adam did not fe- cure hire from fedu&ion. The Carxaal Affè&ions are like Gun-powder, a fpark its all a-fire ; and we cannot eafily quench the unruly Flame when 'tis in- fpir'd by the Tempter. 'Tis true, he cannot immediately a& upon the Soul But as in Paradife, he made ufe of the Serpent to deceive the Woman , and of the