Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual leerfe Tfion. the Woman, by her blandifhments, to allure Adam, fo he makes ufe of the car- nal part in every one, which proves as fatal as the Serpent, and the Woman were. All the corrupt Appetites, and diforder'd Affe&ions , are manag'd by him, and draw Men with unforc'd con- fent to yield to him. He knows the in- fidious party within us that will admit his Temptations. When the Heart is deje&ed and forrowful, he fends inTer- rors and Griefs, knowing that his Faai- on within are ready to receive them. When 'tis cheerful and lively, he fends in vain Thoughts , excites the Carnal AffeEions, which are ready to comply with his defign, and betray the Soul to Folly and Security. Now confidering our Enemies without, and the deceitful Heart as the traytpr within, that keeps correfpondence with the Tempter, our danger is infinite. We are not by pri viledge exempted from Temptations , nor invulnerable in our encounters with the Powers of Darknefs ; but by vigi- lance , and managing the Armour of God, we are vi&orious. There is no Saint on Earth but may fall as foully as David did, without a confiant jealoufie over his Heart and Ways. 'Tis faid ,. While the ,Husband-man flept, the envious F 4 Ma 439.